Written By Unknown on Monday, January 14, 2013 | 3:21 AM

Yoga is an efficient way to gain and sustain health. This ancient Indian relaxation art is a great way to get rid of extra fat from the system. From ages, this art has been a popular technique of fat decrease and bodyweight loss. In fact some asana of yoga exercises are exclusively intended for fat loss only. Yoga is also a preferred means for fat loss as it is without any kind of complication. Yoga directly impacts the metabolic rate of system by acting upon several hormone secretions in the system. Apart from fat loss, yoga exercises also allows in accomplishing a better muscular and energy.

Yoga: The Perfect Way Of Weight Reduction 

Yoga is said to be the best way of fat loss because it has no adverse reactions on your system. It won't make you anorexic or super slim. It is simply intended to related your bodyweight in compliance to your height and lifestyle. The procedure of Yoga in your human is simple yet efficient. It acts on the metabolic rate of your system as well as on your fat tissues. The relaxation in Yoga increases the fresh air intake to the tissues of your system, including the fat tissues which burn in contact of fresh air. 

Apart from this yoga exercises makes one get over from anxiety which is the primary reason forovereating. Some of the Yogaasana also allows in bodyweight loss through exciting tired hypothyroid glands for increasing their hormone secretions, thus losing bodyweight.

Weight decrease through Yoga 

What to do

There are various Yoga asana like Paschimottanasana, Bhujangasana, Halasana, Dhanurasana, Veerasana, Trikonasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana which are exclusively intended for fat loss. Following few of them consistently will certainly help you lose fat.

Incase you are a hypothyroid individual and you have unusually obtained bodyweight. You must go for Sarvangasana and Matasyasana for checking on the hormone release of your hypothyroid.

Regular Yoga asana done with Sun salutation (Surya Namaskar) is also very helpful in fat loss.

Regularly practicing Pranayamas for example Kapalabhatti, Anuloma-Viloma and Bhastrika not only help in fat loss but equally allows in accomplishing a better muscular and stamina.

Other than the frequent practice of the Yoga, you must follow rules of you need to and fat free meal.

Kriyas for cleaning the system namely Vaman Dhauti, and Shanka Prakshalana also help hugely in fat loss.

What not to do

Do not relish on unhealthy food and bubbly drinks.
Do not eat on infrequent timings at infrequent interval.
Do not consume anything between two significant foods. Also sustain a time difference of 4 hours two significant foods.
Do not break your frequency of Yoga.


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